Coron Island - Philippines

Coron Island - Philippines


Beneath the Surface – Calamian Island Group

May 14, 2010 | Author: Shauna Vo The most beautiful lake/lagoon was Seven Islands. We went snorkeling and SCUBA diving there! Even if you don’t get a chance to dive here, the snorkeling is just as amazing. Fishermen destroyed this part of the ocean with cyanide about eight years ago, our dive master said. Click here to read more on

Pristine Philippines

May 13, 2010 | Author: Shauna Vo Every little plant, fruit or animal represents all the colors of the rainbow in this utopia. Blue skies, lush green forests, red, yellow and green fish, huge tortoises, purple jellyfish, pink coral and the bright orange sun create a magnificent paradise that exists at the northernmost part of Palawan in the Philippines. Click here to read more on

Places to stay in the Philippines

Places to stay in the Philippines

Thailand for New Year's

Thailand for New Year's